Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tuesday, May 8

I am sorry I am not blogging as much as I intended to. Time seems to just be flying by! Things are going really well. Sasha actually started riding a bike yesterday with Chris- this was so impressive to me, as when we brought him home he could not pedal a tricycle or big wheel! It is to me an example of how fast he is catching up. He still is mistaken in size for a 3 year old, but he certainly does not act or talk like one. He is speaking in sentences now, and we can have regular conversations about things. He talks pretty much nonstop- even if he is by himself he is talking!
One thing that we have really discovered is he has such a great sense of humor. He thinks so many things are funny, and can be so funny and witty himself. He is so fun to spend time with, and he also has so much excitement for everything. Some times too much excitement. He certainly wears me out during the day, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything.
One thing he really doesn't enjoy, and we are trying to develop is coloring, drawing, etc... He can currently do nothing beyond scribbling, and I have to force him to sit down and try to draw for a few minutes. Hopefully that will develop in time, or when he is in preschool with other children.
Well, that is all I can think of right now. He also loves going to Sunday School and asks about heaven and what we will do there. He knows Jesus is there and we are going to go there someday. It's so cool to hear him talk about it! That's the most important thing he can know about!

Look- I can ride a bike
camping trip with Kim's family

he looks so grown up in this picture
at the fountain in Coolidge Park, Chattanooga
another favorite thing- to play in water
took Sasha on a train ride at the TN Railroad Museum- he loved it